FULLY BOOKED - Practical course in electricity
/ FULLY BOOKED - Practical course in electricity

FULLY BOOKED - Practical course in electricity

Inschrijving gesloten
Regio Amsterdam
Are you regularly in need of an electrician? Who just never happens to have time when it's urgent? Or do you regularly pay way too much money for minor repairs? How nice would it be if you could carry out some minor repairs yourself! The ‘Openbare Werkplaats’ has developed a course especially for horeca entrepreneurs and their staff. You will learn which jobs you’ll be able to work on yourself and when it would be best to call in a professional. There will be plenty of time for questions and to discuss and practice practical examples.

Beknopte informatie

LocatieDe Openbare Werkplaats
Tijd van13:00 uur
Tijd tot17:00 uur
Kosten leden€ 30,00 p. persoon
Kosten niet leden€ 75,00 p. persoon