Free training dealing with undesirable behaviour and aggression
/ Free training dealing with undesirable behaviour and aggression

Free training dealing with undesirable behaviour and aggression

Regio Noord-Holland

To whom it applies

The training is designed for hospitality entrepreneurs and employees.

Training content

Unfortunately, in the hospitality industry you may encounter resistance and aggressive behaviour from guests. For example, guests who make demands, or guests who do not follow instructions from your staff. In this training you and your employees learn how to react adequately in these kinds of unpleasant situations. In this way, you build up your self-confidence and mental resilience.

At the end of the training you will be able to:

  • Explain in general terms how our fear system works;
  • Recognise and manage your own fear;
  • Recognise and reduce aggressive behaviour;
  • Communicate verbally and non-verbally under pressure.

Costs & Payment

If you register, we are counting on your attendance. In the event of late cancellation or no-show, we charge an administration fee of € 50 (excl. VAT), unless there is a case of force majeure. You can cancel up to two working days in advance by sending an e-mail to

The training is offered free of charge for a maximum of 2 persons per company. NB! This course is exclusively for members of KHN Amsterdam and surrounding area. If you do not fall within this specific group, please send an e-mail to, so we can put you on the waiting list.


If you have any questions, please send an email to or call 0348 48 94 76.

Beknopte informatie

LocatieWestcord Hotel Jakarta
AdresJavakade 766, 1019 SH Amsterdam
Tijd van13:30 uur
Tijd tot17:00 uur
Kosten ledenGratis
Kosten niet ledenGratis